
It’s the one place I come to find clarity. Within a few blocks of my Palm Springs neighborhood, I leave the pavement and stride up a tan path that's tamped down to dust by runners, bikers, dogs and a few horses. I head east about a mile in one direction. To my right, there’s a steep slope down to a ravine that locals call “the wash.” The rare inch or two of rain we get here can transform this divot that’s situated between my elevated path and the mountains into... Read More

Why Bits and Bobs?

Full disclosure: There's nothing British about me. Although I've titled this blog space with a British saying that means "small objects or parts of something," I'm a born and bred Midwesterner who divorced my husband of many years, then transplanted myself in the California desert. I started over in this place of rough and tumble beauty as a 60-year-old straight woman, mom, GG to her grand-kids, magazine writer and devoted yogi with one gay friend, grande margarita and tear-stained cocktail napkin at a time. It felt like free-falling off a... Read More